воскресенье, 28 ноября 2010 г.

1,5 days till my bday ^^

i went to see Tangled with my little brother this weekend and it was good! that's when i actually got this idea of having lanterns for my bday too. it looked so wonderfully magical and romantic - perfect for the (supposedly) the best day of the year.
but having my bday in winter (the day after tomorrow, to be exact - yay!) and in russia made me change my mind. all these snowstorms and wind - eh, i thought it was impossible.
can you imagine my surprise when i found out they had lanterns show scheduled for the saturday's evening - just hours after i saw the movie?!! i got all excited but suddenly it began to snow and the wind was superstrong so obviously they had to cancel the show. but can you believe it - i was checking my mail today and got a message saying they are gonna finally have the show! and.... right on my birthday!!! jeez, how come all my wishes come true?? haha

they are supposed to look like that and hopefully this time the weather will be nicer

now if i only had my guy with me, it'd be perfect... eh, he uses this stupid excuse that he's in another country and i told him to stay there because then he can come here later and stay longer. but still... boo, you whore!

now it's time to make more snow cats and go teach my korean kids...

1 комментарий:

  1. Hello! I'm visiting my followers today to wish them all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year from Homemaker Honey!

    Homemaker Honey
    homemakerhoney @gmail .com
